Location: Generation Climat – room 7
Languages: French & English
Organizers: I4CE, ADEME and AFD
Objective: based on two recent action-research projects on adaptation to climate change and complemented by inputs from other researchers and feedback from local authorities, this session’s goal is to initiate a fruitful discussion regarding the conditions for the implementation of adaptation strategies at a local scale.
Presentation and discussion of the results the ABSTRACT-colurba project: an analysis of levers and barriers to implementation of adaptation strategies for climate change – the case of urban communities
This study realized in partnership with ADEME, the French Development Agency and the French Ministry of Environment relies on a sociological survey of 75 selected stakeholders from 10 selected French local urban communities. It analyzes the main levers and barriers (economic, organizational, and cognitive) attached to decision-making processes upstream to the implementation of adaptation strategies to climate change. The objective is to understand how local communities elaborate and implement their own actions to reduce the vulnerabilities to climate change of their territories – in order to increase knowledge on climate risk management at the urban scale.
A summary of the report will be distributed to the participants. More information on this project, available online (French only)
2) Presentation of the report: Financing urban adaptation to climate change impacts – Mapping of existing initiatives (July 2015)
Realized in partnership with the French Development Agency, this study is a mapping of the types of initiatives available for the financing of urban adaptation to climate change, offering additional options to more conventional sources of funding for climate change and sustainable development. Based on the review of 27 initiatives, the report shows a strong prevalence of initiatives supporting soft adaptation measures and reveals that local intermediaries play a significant role in financing urban adaptation to climate change.
Download the report
Additional material published by I4CE on this topic:
- ClimasCOPe 5 on adaptation
- Overview of innovative funding mechanisms in developed countries (French only)
- Levers and obstacles to urban climate adaptation
- Modération : Vivian Dépoues, chargé de recherche, I4CE
Guillaume Simonet, Project Manager I4CE - Ibon Galarraga, B3C
- Olivia RENDON, University of Leeds
Conclusion : Jérôme Duvernoy, ONERC, French ministry of Ecology
- Overview of available funding for urban climate adaptation
- Modération : Nicolas Rossin, AFD
Clément Larrue, Project Manager AFD: the role of financial institutions as AFD for adaptation - Alexia Leseur, Program director I4CE: mapping of funding initiatives and available mechanisms
- Manuel Araujo, Mayor of Quelimane, Mozambique : Feedback from cities in developing countries which have made use of such mechanisms: example of Quelimane
Clément Larrue (AFD) and a Representative of UCCRN